My Babies!

My Babies!

Monday, May 6, 2013

How Exciting!! Leibester Award Nominee

I am thrilled to announce that I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by

Sarah from Life with Leahy!
Sarah has a great blog!  Full of craft, organization, meal planning ideas, and MUCH more!  She also has her own photography business which I have used and highly recommend- Once Upon A Lens


Thank you for the nomination Sarah!!

So what exactly is a Liebster Award, you ask? Great question! First, Liebster is German for "sweetheart" or "dearest." The Liebster Award is given to up-and-coming blogs of less than 200 followers. Once you have been nominated for a Liebster award, your standard bloggy protocol is as follows:

·   Thank your nominator! Include a link back to their blog in your verbal hug :)
·   Answer the 11 questions given to you by your nominator

·   Post 11 facts about yourself

·   Nominate 5-11 {I've seen various numbers} other up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers for the award--no tag backs!

·   Come up with 11 questions for your nominees to answer

·   Let your nominees know you nominated them so they too can pass on the Liebe! {German for "Love"}

Questions for my nominees....(FROM SARAH/MY ANSWERS)

1.  Best book you've ever read?   Anything by Jodi Picoult!

2.  Blog post/project you're most proud of? My current Teacher Appreciation week gifts/ideas!

3.  Accomplishment you're most proud of? My children!  Even though they are a lot of work they teach me something new every day and I am ever so grateful for them!

4.  First blog you remember reading?  My friend Sarah’s blog (

5.  Favorite childhood memory? Summer’s on Marco Island at Auntie Kathy and Uncle Mel’s house.

6.  Your biggest pet peeve? Toilet Seats that are left up!  I will do my best to teach Landon to put the seat down!

7. Best vacation you've ever had? I have had so many I am not sure which one would be my most favorite.  Any vacation is amazing!

8.  Beauty product you couldn't live without?  Moisturizing Face Lotion!  I hate when my face feels tight and dry.

9.  Choose two different scoops of ice cream for one cone. What are they? Cookies and Cream and Snickers.

10.          Something you've learned recently? Who my true and dedicated friends really are.

11.          Describe your perfect date night- A night out with the hubby that allows us to eat, talk, and enjoy each other’s company.

11 Facts About Me:

1.   I love my children and would do anything to help them succeed in life

2.   I am a huge HAWKS, YANKEES, and CUBS Fan 

3.   I LOVE Starbucks! Iced Coffee and Iced Tea

4.   If organizing and creating charts was a job I would be PERFECT for it

5.   I would love to win the lottery and be a Stay-At-Home mom until my children no longer needed me

6.   I love to watch reality TV, I have to admit my DVR is set to record A LOT of them

7.   My dream car is a pearl white Escalade, my husband thinks that is so weird!

8.   I am addicted to my iPhone and probably would die if I lost it or broke it

9.   I enjoy spa days!  Nothing like being pampered

10.                I met my husband on Yahoo Personals, and I couldn’t be happier to have found him

11.                I have yet to miss a boy-band concert!  NKOTB, NSYNC, JT!!

 Questions for my nominees:

1.    What would be your dream job?

2.   What is your favorite meal to cook for your family?

3.   Describe the perfect day with your family?

4.   What is your favorite book to read to your kids?

5.   Celebrity Crush?

6.   Your greatest quality/personality trait?

7.   Favorite childhood memory?

8.   Money is no object- What would be the perfect family vacation?

9.   If you could meet anyone who would you meet?

10.               Favorite junk food?

11.               No hubby, no kids, no responsibilities!  What would you do for the day?


I Nominate:

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