We have known for quite some time that Landon's most sensitive body part is his head, especially his ears. I can usually tell by the change in his behavior, easier meltdowns, and horrible sleeping patterns that something is going on with his ears. He has more ear infections then I can count and have had him looked at twice by two different ENT's. The suggestion has been made to insert tubes to help decrease the number of ear infections and to help with fluid that build inside his ear. Landon had a nasty virus for a week that caused fever, irritability, and a huge sensory overload at times. We had his ears looked at twice to make sure nothing was "brewing" on the inside. Each time we brought him they informed us no infection but some mild fluid.
We went on with our daily routines but noticed some changes in Landon's behavior. I believe the biggest change was when he could not find something that made him happy at a birthday party this last weekend. He could not communicate with us what was going on and the littlest things would set him off into a meltdown. He wanted to enter the jumpy house but refused to take his shoes off. He was becoming defiant and throwing temper-tantrums. Not being able to help him with this situation I thought the only best thing to do was leave and take him home. I was embarrassed none the less and felt awful for leaving Ben and Quinn behind. At that point I thought he had 3 days with a jammed packed busy schedule and little or no naps. I was sure this behavior was all caused from that. As I drove home I wondered to myself could it be, his ears?, sensory-overload?, to many people?
After a nap we attempted to go back to the party, which turned out not to be a great idea. He again could not figure out what he wanted nor could he communicate how he was feeling. Ben did notice he kept tugging and sticking his fingers in his ears which prompted us to think an ear infection had yet appeared. So off to the doctor we went Monday afternoon. Luckily we have some amazing doctors who do great with Landon. He looked into his ears for us to tell us he had fluid in them but no infection. He stated that Landon could be feeling itchy, clogged, or irritated by the fluid which is causing some of his behaviors. He suggested we give him some allergy medicine for the next week or so to see if that helps.
Landon has had two doses of Allegra in the past 24 hours and I can notice a change in his at home behavior. Hopefully this will continue to help and we can avoid an ear infection!
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