My Babies!

My Babies!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Landon Haircut...TAKE #2

We attempted to take Landon for his second haircut last weekend.  I of course talked about it before hand and of course Landon would respond "No Haircut!"  He of course fell asleep on the way to the mall. 

LOVE how he falls asleep!  Hands behind his head just like a man!

I decided to walk around the mall a few times to let him wake-up and look around.  He was still pretty sleepy but not sleepy enough to ask for COOKIES.  So I bought a few mini cookies for him to share with Quinn before heading over to Snippet's.  He was still calm as we walked in.  I left Quinn in her stroller, buckled in with cookies and juice.  Strapped him into the train seat, and we began.  He of course cried through most of the process.  This time around he was calmer for the "buzzer" then when she used her scissors to cut his hair.  Our stylist was SO patient and kind with him.  She just kept telling him how handsome he was looking.  Luckily dada showed up just in time before Quinn started to have a meltdown.  We finished up and headed over to the train to let Landon take a spin!

He loved the ride and had no problem getting into the train car all by himself!! 

Here is a photo of our handsome young man after his haircut!

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