My Babies!

My Babies!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Peanut Allergy!!

When I came up with a blog name it summed up our life at that point in time.  Landon was going through all the ASD screenings and we were understanding what Autism was.  Quinn was diagnosed to many food allergies and our life was BUSY!  Well almost a year later and not much has changed!  Landon is making GREAT gains in all of his therapies and in school, Quinn is still doing much better with her eating and food allergies and is working hard in all of  her new therapies as well, and well life it is JUST as busy!
Last Saturday night Ben and I were faced with a NEW allergy....PEANUTS!  Now let me start by saying both Quinn and Landon were tested for Peanut Allergies when they were 1.  Both were negative to peanut allergies and that was that.  OR AT LEAST WE THOUGHT SO! 
Ben had purchased a new cereal that contained peanut butter in it.  Why not, we had no worries!  We were thrilled that Landon went ahead tried the cereal, ate it, and liked it!  BUT within in a few minutes Landon started to sneeze, rub his eyes and nose and came over to me and BAM the kid had INSTANT hives all around his mouth.  My first words was C**P this kid is allergic to Peanuts!  I of course checked him thoroughly, listening to his breathing, checking to see if he was producing hives anywhere else.  We luckily have Epi Pens in the house for Quinn and we immediately got those out in case things got worse.  I immediately gave him some Benadryl, washed is hands and face and cleaned the area where he was sitting. 
HOLY COW when did this all happen!?  When did this kid become allergic to peanuts!?  I of course watched him like a hawk the rest of the night making sure he was not wheezing at all.  He went to bed around 7:30pm and by 9:00 we heard him screaming.  He had vomited all over.  Poor kid he hates being sick and all that comes with that.  We cleaned him and his bed up and then I gave him a neb since he had made himself so upset he could not stop coughing. 
Of course I did my Google research and talked to a few mommy friends.  Come to find out that some doctors recommend that you children be tested yearly for peanut allergies.  Little did I know.  Thankfully I have an already scheduled Allergist appointment for Landon next week due to his increase in asthma symptoms.
I immediately contacted school Monday to let them know that Landon has developed an allergy to peanuts and of course ALL the new paper work came home to fill out.  Luckily his classroom is already a peanut free room but they do have to go through protocol when a student has a new peanut allergy. 
I will be intrigued to see how all of his Allergy and Asthma testing goes next week.  When we had him skin tested at 1 1/2 he had no known allergies.  Next week that could ALL change!

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