My Babies!

My Babies!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Happy Birthday Landon

Birthday Boy!

This past Saturday we celebrated Landon's 4th birthday with family and friends!  This year the theme was Chicago Blackhawks (what else would it be!?).  As Landon continues to grow and develop he is starting to understand a little more about what is going on and what to expect.  He LOVES to open presents and is excited about everything he opens.  He DOES NOT like fire/candles.  Since this day is ALL about Landon I let him lead the way in how the party would run.  As the guests started to arrive and bring presents he wanted to open them immediately.  So I could only hold him off for so long!  Once everyone had arrived we started the party with present time.  He enjoyed himself and was able to name everything that he received.  His vocabulary is growing and this was amazing to see.  He could not wait to open and play with all of his new presents! 

"Which present do I play with first!?"

After presents' and allowing Landon ample time to play with his new toys we attempted to sing Happy Birthday to him.  His cake was two chocolate chip cookies with a slot cut out to put a "4" candle.  He of course saw the candle, yelled "NO!" so we stopped and did not force that upon him.  No need to upset the birthday boy! 
                                             Landon's Birthday "cake"...chocolate chip cookies!
All-in-all Landon's birthday was a success!  He enjoyed himself and enjoyed having others there as well!  He received a lot of great gifts and has been playing with all of them the past few days!  Here are a few pictures from the party!

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