My Babies!

My Babies!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"Quinn? Quinn? Quinn?"

I am starting to have some concerns about Quinn having Absence Seizures.  The first one I actually witnessed happened back in November right before Landon's mole removal surgery.  She was walking, stopped, got a blank look in her eyes and her hand started to twitch.  I called her name repeatedly and got no response.  Just as I was about to go pick her up she shook her body and continued walking.  I was totally freaked out.  I had no idea what had just happened.  I talked to Ben about what I saw and we were not sure we had witnessed that before.  I have had students in the past that suffer from Absence Seizures and knew they could happen at anytime, no warning, and looked as if the child was staring off into space.  So I informed our babysitter, and my mom to keep a look out for these. 
There are times when Quinn looks as if she is "lost in space" and does not answer to her name.  Now the not answering to her name is a very common thing from a toddler.  It does not necessarily mean that she is having these episodes. 
The other morning I was holding her and talking to Ben at the same time and we noticed what we thought was another Absence Seizure happening.  She blanked out, we both called her name, I even rubbed her back for few seconds.  No twitching this time occurred in her hands but she did come back us within about 20 seconds.  Ben and I looked at each other and knew it was time to contact the doctor. Our family doctor has asked us to see an appointment with a pediatric neurologist to get some idea if this is really happening.  Of course they would love for us to catch one of them on video but there are no warning signs or triggers so this is a difficult task.  We have until February 24th to try and get one or two on video to bring with us to our appointment. 
I am not going to lie when I sometimes want to scream SERIOUSLY!!  How much more can my children handle at this point!?  I really hope this is not what's happening to our baby girl but as a mom that has been through so much I am prepared for whatever happens. 

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