My Babies!

My Babies!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

One Day At A Time

I follow a few other blogs written by mother's that have a child with autism.  I find that it is nice to hear other stories similar to mine.  I enjoy reading about different strategies these families have used for their children and as sad as it is say, I follow them to feel comforted about the struggles that our children share.   Facebook can be a  mom's worst nightmare some days.  It can make you sad to see other kids Landon and Quinn's age doing and saying things that my kids cannot do yet.  When I was pregnant with Landon I read "the book"  and was determined to follow it.  I use to fear and worry when my kids were not meeting milestones that other's were suppose to.  I think I was worse with Landon then with Quinn.  I remember getting on Google and researching Autism around 18 months, and taking the on-line test to see if Landon qualified.  I would ask around about how to help and encourage my kiddo to talk.  The day that we were told Landon was Autistic will be a day I never forget.  It is also the day that my mindset changed.  My new motto that I needed to remind myself to follow was "One Day At A Time!"  Some days when things are not going well or Landon or Quinn have a bad therapy session I need to remind myself of this motto. 
My kids do things on their own time schedule.  As much as I would have loved that they would follow the "normal" time-line I understand that they eventually meet that milestone. 
Landon amazes me daily!  He works so hard and has come a long way.  I love to hear him talk and I love to hear him express how something makes him feel.  These things I have waited a long time for. 
Quinn still lacks language.  I know she wants to talk to us and tell us exactly what she is feeling but she cannot yet.  We still do not know if that is a motor problem or part of the possible autism.  BUT she does have an attitude and a personality without any words.  We are SO in trouble when she learns words and can express things to us.

I have to say that I celebrate the little accomplishments that my children make!  Just a year ago our little man feared going into the United Center and cried when we brought him to a Hawks game.  We all worked really hard to desensitize Landon and get him back into the UC.  NOW this kid is a die-hard fan, knows the schedule and routine of the home games like no one else.  Can recognize songs on the radio that are played during warm-ups!  He even imitates the Hawks warm-up routine at home! 
Quinn has come a LONG way with her eating!  She is willing to try new foods, she's chewing and manipulating food!!  To think a year ago we could barely get her to eat and manipulate finger foods. 

My kids are my pride and joy but even when I get frustrated I try to remember to take things One Day At A Time. 

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