My Babies!

My Babies!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Life As We Know It with Autism and Apraxia

Yesterday we had Quinn's second evaluation with Little Friends. This evaluation was a re-eval to see if she was showing any more signs of Autism. The re-eval took about 2 hours and by the end of it we were informed that Quinn does not have symptoms that would place her on the Spectrum at this time. If for some reason she starts to have repetitive behaviors I will need to bring her back in for yet another evaluation. Seeing that Quinn has never shown any notion of repetitive behaviors it is very unlikely she will acquire them. As of today Quinn's only diagnosis is Verbal Apraxia. She will continue all of her therapies: Speech 3x a week, OT 1x a week, and DT 1x a week until she turns 3. Upon her 3rd birthday she will be transitioned into ECE/Pre-School where Landon attends.

Quinn is still developmentally delayed and has trouble with verbal communication and receptive language. She has made gains in many areas and is starting to use words to communicate with us. She can now answer Yes and No questions when it comes to what she wants to eat and drink. She has mastered "Hi" and "Bye" and uses it appropriately every time. She recognize by name: mama, dada, nana, popo, TT, Jeter (jeety), ball and book. She can count to 10, ask for more, and tell us NO!

In just a few short weeks Quinn will also be off all Elecare formula and drink Lactaid Milk. She has done well with the transition to limited dairy items. She is still trying new foods and we are still watching her dairy intake.


Our little girl has her own agenda, is sassy, hilarious, and adorable! She does what she wants when she wants to! She enjoys saying Hi and hugging all kids her age at the park or in her dance class. She loves to torment and beat up her big brother when she wants to play with him and she has mastered jumping with both feet off the ground!

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