My Babies!

My Babies!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Swim Lessons and Dance Class

This summer we decided to get private swim lessons for Landon at the YMCA.  He loves to swim and has no fear of the water so it is safe to say he needs to learn to be an independent swimmer!  We were very lucky to have been placed with a patient, kind, and fun swim teacher Mr. Jake.  Landon took to him right away and felt comfortable to get into the pool without me!!  Yes, I had to sit right there but he never asked me to come in the water with him!  Each week Landon has practiced a new skill and is getting a little closer to putting all the basic swim skills together.  He still fears putting his head under water but he will allow Mr. Jake to pour water over his head while he practices blowing bubbles.  We will continue private swim lessons in the fall with Mr. Jake!!
One Happy Boy!

Learning how to use your arms when you swim

Quinn also went to her first Ballet class at the YMCA these past couple of months.  She enjoys dancing and will be in her first dance recital this upcoming weekend!  Cue the tears, laughter, and video camera!!  Quinn is not the greatest dance student, she has a tendency to run away, not participate, and pull herself up on the bar like she is in gymnastic class.  The teacher had a thought and asked myself to just drop her off in the studio and then leave.  I did not disagree and hoped by me not being in the studio she may listen better.  WHICH she did!!!  She listened, participated in the group dance, and followed directions for MOST of the class.  Each week we drop her off and each week I get a better report when we pick her up!  I am hoping she follows directions and dances on stage with her classmates and teacher this weekend.  
Tiny Dancer Quinn
Ready to Dance!

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